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Emma Zurine

Snowy Super Bowl Sunday Morning

Updated: Jun 22, 2022

Today is Sunday, February 7, 2021 and it’s also, SUPER BOWL SUNDAY!!! This year it’s the Kansas City Chiefs vs. the Tampa Bay Buccaneers! I think it might be a pretty close game. Well, I guess we’ll get to see tonight!

It's so cool that today, on Super Bowl Sunday, it's snowing! As you might know, it doesn’t snow to often here in Virginia, but this year it’s actually been snowing quite a bit! This morning we awoke to see some snow! The snowflakes were huge! The largest I have ever seen! They were pouring down rapidly! So me and my mom went to one of our local lakes. There were geese, seagull, and ducks. The best part was that we were able to feed the ducks! I’m not going to lie, the geese were a bit intimidating. When they saw we had crackers and we didn’t give any to them yet, they sort of started chasing us and running around! For a second I actually thought I was about to be attacked by geese for the first time in my life! The geese were chasing us for food, but we finally managed to “chase” them back into the lake! And as far as I know, geese are some pretty aggressive birds.

When we finally fed them they seemed really happy (wait, can geese, seagulls, and ducks seem happy?).

Finally the geese seemed to think of us as “friends”, I was still scared though, you never know when they would decide to turn on us! Haha!

After feeding the geese, we decided to take a quick stroll. The lake was beautiful! I wish we could stay longer but we had to go home to cook those Brussels sprouts (Hint, hint, stay tuned).

So that was basically our ‘Snowy Super Bowl Sunday Morning’! I hope you had a great time reading this! Bye for now! Make sure to subscribe so you can get an email every time I post something new! Stay tuned for more!


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