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Get To Know Me! 

Hi there! I'm Emma and I'm going to tell you a bit about myself! So to start off, I love traveling it's one of my favorite things to do! I love everything about traveling! Hiking sometimes, exploring new places, and everything else! I also love staying at hotels! So, you know how traveling and hiking and stuff take a lot of energy? Well, as much as I love going on trips and adventures, I need my being lazy time😁! I most probably could not live without sweet old TV time! I love Netflix and just watching TV in general! I also really enjoy just doing nothing (weird, right?). I also love love love reading and writing! I've actually been writing a few "books"! And, I can't forget about baking and cooking! I love to bake and cook, especially bake. 

Well, now that you know a bit about the things I like to do, let's move on. 

Another important thing about me is that I have two pet birds! Sunny, and Peri! They are both Parakeets and I got them as birthday gifts from an uncle and aunt! Which I guess makes it that they have the same birthday as me, right? I also reeeaaalllly want a dog and rabbits, but so far, I've had no luck convincing my parent on getting me either. :(

Well, that's a few things about me, and I'm always going to be adding more! So, make sure to keep checking for new things about me! 

Bye for now! 

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